Security is something many of us take for granted. In a recent morning devotion I read about a married man with children who lost his job as a banker and was forced to flee his country with his family. He had two shillings left to his name when God told him to go to the market with two empty baskets with his son. At the market he ran into a man that used to work at the bank with him and his former co-worker gave him five pounds which was enough to provide food for his family until they were able to receive United Nations Relief. This same man went on to become the keeper of the Garden Tomb which is believed to be where the body of Jesus lay before he conquered death. (Story from "The Tough-Minded Optimist" by Norman Vincent Peale)
"The greatest power available to a human being is in-depth faith, the force by which you can move mountains of difficulty." (Positive Thinking Every Day: Norman Vincent Peale)
"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength." (Isaiah 30:15)
This song reminds us to keep holding onto the promises of God. You'll never feel more safe and secure than when you are resting on His unbreakable promises.
Help Is On The Way (Maybe Midnight) - Toby Mac
Have a great evening!